Sunday, September 4, 2011

Adventure is Out There

(September 3, 2011)  After a pastry (from a café) and an apple (from the farmer’s market) for breakfast, I grabbed my things and headed for the bus to campus.  I planned to arrive early to use the campus internet.  Planned.  I actually got on the correctly numbered bus, but going the wrong direction, and thus was late to the second of four orientation meetings.  On the bright side, I now feel much more confident using the city bus system.

The highlight (at least for me) of today’s orientation session was filling out the application for my student visa, under the guidance of our Student Director.  Apparently, he is so thorough and particular about how forms should be filled out that none of his submissions are ever rejected.  He also knows those who process the forms personally (and often has coffee with them).  It’s very comforting to know that he’s taking care of things with our best interests in mind.

After the meeting, while waiting for the bus back to the city center “Am Sande,” I got to Skype with my family.  I know both sides of the connection were glad to see each other, even for a short time.

I spent some time in the evening walking around Lüneburg, continuing to get a feel for what the city has to offer and where to find it.  Stintfest is still going on outside my building tonight, and has spread across the river.  The music is much better tonight, still mainly featuring American hits, but sung in German (the singer did, however, perform the theme from “Beinhart,” for those that get that reference).  While most of the other USAC students migrated to the pubs, I returned to my apartment where I figured out how to access the internet!

Tomorrow we have no structured activities (a “day off”), so I plan to continue organizing and preparing for class, at least in the morning.  The annual Renaissance Fair is tomorrow in the afternoon and evening, which will be a great way to experience past culture as well as some more delicious food!

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